Contact us to report or confirm a sighting, or check out these other reporting methods:
iMapInvasives - Saskatchewan
This website is a database and mapping system aimed at land managers and owners, including rural municipalities, community pastures, parks, urban areas, government agencies, or conservation organizations. Concerned members of the general public are encouraged to use it as well. To report an invasive plant species location on this site, you will need to apply for a free user account. There is also a map display option where you can view maps of invasive species that have been reported to the site, and a number of tools such as forms and templates to help land managers record, track and manage their invasive species occurrences. As the iMapInvasives system is also used in the US, data from participating states can also be viewed.
Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre
The Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre gathers, interprets and distributes information on the ecological status of wild species and communities.